

Family North Carolina magazine is NC Family’s flagship publication. Published at least twice a year, Family North Carolina is available in print and as a download from our website. CLICK HERE to sign up and receive Family North Carolina and our email alerts. You may also contact us at 919-807-0800 or email us at to subscribe. Click on the links below to explore each issue of Family North Carolina.

Family North Carolina Spring 2024

  • FEATURE: “The Dark History Behind Planned Parenthood,” by Sharon Sullivan
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Former High School Athlete Works to Protect Women and Girls in North Carolina,” by AnnaScott Cross
  • SPOTLIGHT: “2024 Legislative Session Preview,” by John Rustin

Family North Carolina Fall 2023

  • FEATURE: “Coffee, Community, and Celebrating Every Life,” by AnnaScott Cross
  • SPOTLIGHT: “The State of the Pro-Life Movement,” by AnnaScott Cross
  • SPOTLIGHT: “2023 Legislative Session Summary,” by John Rustin


Family North Carolina Spring 2023

  • FEATURE: “True Women’s Empowerment: The Positive Impact of Pregnancy Resource Centers,” by AnnaScott Cross
  • SPOTLIGHT: “A Promise of ‘Prosperity’ But At What Cost?,” by Jaden Grimes
  • SPOTLIGHT: “2023 Legislative Session Preview,” by John Rustin


Family North Carolina Spring/Summer 2022

  • FEATURE: “Death by Uncertainty: False Positives in Prenatal Testing,” by Dr. Tara Sander Lee
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Fighting for Fundamental Rights,” by William Estrada
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Mama Bear 101: How to Protect Your Kids,” by Brittany Farrell
  • SPOTLIGHT: “The Medical Marijuana Myth,” by Luke Niforatos


Family North Carolina Fall 2021

  • FEATURE: “Religious Liberty: First or Fading Freedom?” by Greg Chafuen
  • SPOTLIGHT: “’Rare,’ ‘Safe,’ and Other Lies About Abortion,” by Julie Tisdale
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Teetering on the Edge: Gambling Expansion in NC,” by Christopher W. Derrick, Esq


Family North Carolina Winter 2021

  • FEATURE: “Mental Health & the Church: Seeking the Whole Story,” by Casey Pruet
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Seeing the Savior in a Pandemic,” by NC Family Staff
  • SPOTLIGHT: “On the Horizon at the NC General Assembly,” by Paul Stam, John L. Rustin, and Brian Jodice

Family North Carolina Summer 2020

  • FEATURE: “Pink or Blue? Guiding Parents Through the Transgender Issue,” by Brittany Farrell
  • SPOTLIGHT: “An Inside Look at Adoption: Q&A With Adoptive Parents,” by NC Family Staff
  • SPOTLIGHT: “The Triumph of School Choice” by Terry Stoops, Ph.D.

Family North Carolina Fall/Winter 2019

  • FEATURE: “Pro-Life Optimism in the Face of Abortion Extremism,” by Catherine Glenn Foster
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Gambling: Not My Problem?,” by Josh Wester
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Behind Every Issue is a Person,” by Daniel Darling

Family North Carolina Spring/Summer 2019

  • FEATURE: “The ‘Charming’ and Alarming Face of New Marijuana: An evidentiary guide to marijuana,” by NC Family Staff
  • SPOTLIGHT: “A Child-Centric Approach to Public Policy,” by Katy Faust
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Depolarizing America,” by Alysse ElHage

Family North Carolina Fall 2018

  • FEATURE: “The Demise of Heroes” by Garland S. Tucker, III
  • SPOTLIGHT: “No Throwaway People,” by Willie Hodges Parker
  • SPOTLIGHT: “A Heart For Children: The Foster Care Crisis,” by Julie Tisdale

Family North Carolina Spring 2018

  • FEATURE: “Showdown: Battle Ensues Over Sex Ed in NC Public Schools,” by Rachel Lee Brady
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Making the Younger Years Count for the Kingdom,” by Dr. Matt Z. Capps
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Saving Babies: Pro-life Strategy in North Carolina,” by Paul Stam, Stam Law Firm

Family North Carolina Fall 2017

  • FEATURE: “Families Fighting Back: The Unsung Heroes of the Opioid Crisis,” by NC Family Staff
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Happily Ever After: Three couples share their secrets to a happy marriage,” by Traci DeVette Griggs
  • SPOTLIGHT: “A Doctor’s Right to Kill: Duke Physician Resists the Cultural Shift on Assisted Suicide,” by Farr A. Curlin, M.D.

Family North Carolina Spring 2017

  • FEATURE: “Abortion on Campus: The aggressive campaign targeting college students,” by Mary Summa
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Religious Liberty: A different compass,” by Jake Sipe
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Faking It: How you can combat the proliferation of fake news,” by Traci DeVette Griggs

Special HB2 Edition, Summer 2016

  • FEATURE: “Setting the Record Straight: The Truth About House Bill 2,” by John L. Rustin
  • SPOTLIGHT: “A Flagrant Case of Media Bias: A Case Study,” by NC Family Staff
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Opposition Orchestration: Business Opposition Not Spontaneous,” by John L. Rustin

Family North Carolina Spring 2016

  • FEATURE: “Daily Fantasy Sports: Is It Gambling,” by Les Bernal
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Planned Parenthood Unmasked,” by Brittany Farrell and Traci DeVette Griggs
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Dangerous Exposure: The Startling Effects of Porn on Children,” by Alysse ElHage
    • SPOTLIGHT: “Constitutional Resistance: Do We Have a Duty to Resist Marriage Redefinition,” by Alysse ElHage

Family North Carolina Fall 2015

  • FEATURE: “SCOTUS Marriage Ruling: Where Do We Go From Here,” by Erik Stanley
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Millennials and Faith: Reaching Today’s Emerging Adults,” by Eric Smith and John Stonestreet
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Responding Like Jesus to the Redefinition of Marriage,” by J.D. Greear
    • SPOTLIGHT: “North Carolina Lawmaking: 2015 General Assembly Review,” by John Rustin

Family North Carolina Spring 2015

  • FEATURE: “Religious Freedom Under Fire: Why NC Can’t Wait to Protect Free Speech & Free Exercise,” by Kellie M. Fiedorek, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Bad ‘Medicine,’ Wrong Policy: Red Flags from Colorado’s Marijuana Experiment,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Darkness to Light: NC Ministries Serve Trafficking Victims,” by Brittany Farrell

Family North Carolina Spring 2014

  • FEATURE: “Creating a Marketplace of Children,” by Alana Newman
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Going ‘Off Reservation,’” by Christopher W. Derrick, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Understanding Common Core,” by Kristen Blair
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Declaring War on Marriage,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Plan B-The Indefensible Attack on Our Daughters,” by Mary Summa, J.D.

Family North Carolina Winter 2014

  • FEATURE: “The Marriage Wage Premium,” by Mark Steckbeck, Ph.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “The Life Battle-Celebrating & Building on SB 353,” by Mary Summa, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Expanding School Choice,” by Terry Stoops, Ph.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Breeding Addiction for Profit,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Family Policy-2013 Legislative Session Review,” by Brittany Farrell

Family North Carolina Summer 2013

  • FEATURE: “Life and Liberty,” by Mary Summa, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Marriage and the Common Good,” by Patrick Fagan, Ph.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Founding Principles,” by K. Alan Snyder, Ph.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Freedom and Responsibility,” by Brittany Farrell
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Briefs: Marriage Battle Update, the Boy Scouts, and Prayer,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.

Family North Carolina Spring 2013

  • FEATURE: “Abortion’s Impact on Prematurity,” by Martin McCaffrey, M.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “It Doesn’t Take a Village” by Mary Summa, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “With Charity Toward None,” by Christopher W. Derrick, J.D., MPA
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Boy Scouts’ Values at Stake,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Surrogacy–Sold Before Conception,” by Mary Summa, J.D.

Family North Carolina Winter 2013

  • FEATURE: “School Choice–Finding the Way Forward in N.C.,” by Bob Luebke, Ph.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Restoring Marriage in North Carolina” by Mike McManus
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Medicine, Minors, and Parents,” by Mary Summa, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “The Medical Marijuana Sham,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Fetal Pain,” by Mary Summa, J.D.

Family North Carolina Fall 2012

  • FEATURE: “Hidden Victims–Child Sex Trafficking in North Carolina,” by Alysse ElHage, M.A.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Making Mountains Out of Molehills” by Christopher W. Derrick, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “A House Divided,” by Justin Reimer
  • SPOTLIGHT: “Physician-Assisted Suicide,” by Mary Summa, J.D.
  • SPOTLIGHT: “General Assembly Votes from 2012,” by Brittany Farrell