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NC Family Partners with Christians Engaged to Encourage Christians to Pray, Vote, and Engage

Letter tiles spelling out "Vote"

Did you know that as many as 25 million Christians in the United States don’t vote in Presidential Elections?

We know that Christian values are not just morals for individuals, but guidelines that – broadly applied – help society thrive. We’ve seen the devastation that comes when our country starts operating in ways that go against the Bible: The millions of innocent lives that have been lost to abortion. The tragic consequences of the LGBTQ agenda. The miseducation of children. The whittling away of parental rights. The persecution of Christians in a woke society. All of this and more has been directly fueled by the promotion and adoption of bad policies at all levels.

Can you imagine what would happen if Christians started taking a more active stand to advocate for Christian values in our government?

Everything that we do here at NC Family ties directly back to our vision of “a state and nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.” Ultimately, though, our success depends upon working in partnership with like-minded citizens across the state and nation to defend and advance biblical principles. Plain and simple, we wouldn’t exist without people like you who are willing to take steps to help further this vision. And, we believe it is critical: (1) to elect officials who will represent and protect Christian values, and then (2) to engage with those officials once elected to encourage them to adopt good policies and reject bad ones.

Are you willing to get involved?

NC Family has proudly partnered with Christians Engaged – the nation’s leading non-partisan Christian-based, voter turnout operation – to encourage Christians in North Carolina to engage in three activities that we know have the potential to drastically change our country for the better: Pray, Vote, and Engage.

By taking the Pledge, you agree to:

  • PRAY – Commit to pray for 5 minutes a week for our nation.
  • VOTE – Commit to vote in every election (local, state, and national).
  • ENGAGE– Commit to engage your heart in some form of civic education and involvement for the well-being of our nation

And you will receive:

  • Prayer prompts for our elected officials and nation
  • Voting reminders for every election in your state
  • Biblical content and educational resources

Additional Steps You Can Take

  • Make sure that you and your family members over the age of 18 are registered to vote in North Carolina. Learn more
  • Educate yourself on the key issues at stake in this election and the candidates who are running. NC Family is producing a comprehensive, nonpartisan General Election Voter Guide to help North Carolina voters know where candidates stand on key issues relating to life, faith, marriage, family, and more. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks!
  • Get a head start on praying for your legislators and elected officials. Read more

About Christians Engaged

Our national host, Family Policy Alliance, has merged with Christians Engaged to form a powerful alliance dedicated to advancing biblical values in our nation’s political landscape for generations to come. Christians Engaged has developed valuable technology and tools to accomplish this, and Family Policy Alliance and their network of independent state-level family policy councils (like NC Family) are utilizing their national presence to connect individuals with this valuable resource.

The goal is to educate and equip one million Christians across the nation before the 2024 Elections. Will you join us?

You can learn more about this strategic merger here.


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